
Wiki - Transfer your site

    Transfer your site!


    You have a forum and you want a more professional service that frees you from all tecnichal problems?
    ForumFree is your choice!

    Our services and statistics speak for us: born in 2002, we offer a professional and reliable service.
    Your data are backupped every day, you have your mobile version without extra work and there are several apps (iOs, Android, Windows Phone, Windows 10, Chrome APP). Read here more details.

    You wont have to worry anymore about external attacks, software update or bugs: our IT group will take care of it all.
    Admins have a very simple but complete panel to manage their site, everything is managable without codes or programming.

    Using our network allows your site to have a good ranking on search engines; moreafter, milion of user will be able to use your site instantly thanks to our policy to share users across all our sites.

    You can also add ads in your forum pages to get money from your visitors.

    <b>If you are interested in increasing your forum features, have more users with less effort and gain some money, open a topic in this section.