
Wiki - Top Forum

    What is the TopForum/TopBlog
    The TopForum/TopBlog is the ForumFree, ForumCommunity and BlogFree ranking, ordered by number of visits, votes and bonuses gained in the current month.
    In the ranking there are forums/blogs that have at least one visit during the first ten days of the month.
    After the 10th day of the month, the monthly visits needed to be present in the ranking are two.
    After the 20th day (until the end of the month) the visits needed are three.

    The positions change a lot during the first days of the month
    Each month starts afresh a new Monthly top. Just as in football, where in the earlier days, can be sufficient few matches to be at the top of the league, also in the forums, thanks to a visit in either direction, the position changes significantly. The values are stabilized after a couple of days.

    A user or visitor can usually see the pages of the various forums of the network. His passage will be not counted in all forums, but only in the fir. After two hours, will be counted a visit to the first forum of the new session and so on throughout the day.
    Each visti is equal to 2 points valid for the top forum. Bots and users coming from and similar services are not counted.

    You can vote the forums/blogs that in the previous month occupied the first 200 positions.
    You can vote the forums/blogs of the ForumFree network in polls in the TopForum and TopBlog sections of the support forum.
    You can vote the forums/blogs belonging to the ForumCommunity network in the appropriate forum -
    Top Forum & Top Blog -
    You can vote the forums/blogs belonging to the BlogFree network in forum

    Forums are created neither with the goal of achieving the ranking of "Top Forum" nor with an eye to obtain visibility on Google.
    The administrator is wrong with this objective at the outset.
    A forum or site was created to dedicate to a particular topic to which you are interested.
    It is neither the top forum nor google to give you fame, but the interest of other users in the chosen subject and the quality of developed content.