
Wiki - Logo

  • This page is only a draft
What it is
the Logo (commonly called "Banner") is the image that is on the top of each forum, right above the user bar.

How to edit it
You must use the administrative tool Edit board logo. The maximum size is 1280x400 px. For the proper display of the logo, you must enter thek direct link of the file in the appropriate box.

Logo at the top right
You must go to the above cited tool and clear, if selected, the option Show the logo in the middle of the page. It will be enough to then go to Edit colors and styles and insert, in any part of CSS
.header * {float: right}

Don't show the logo
You can not see the logo by entering in the field logo address:

Not viewable Logo
It can happen, unintentionally, to novice users, to make confusion in the CSS of your skin inserting inside it some HTML or JavaScript code. This could lead to incorrect display of the logo. The same problem may occur if you insert some text or CSS code not enclosed within a block of statement (not within braces), then in the CSS with no function.

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